Where every hallway feels like home — Watauga High School. Photo Credits: WHS Homepage
Scarlett Rupp, staff writer to The Powderhorn
What makes Watauga High School different from other high schools is the emphasis it places on community, innovation, and helping students succeed. Located in the Appalachian Mountains, the atmosphere at Watauga is close-knit, supported by programs for academics and personal development. The high school’s unique extracurriculars focus on college and career preparation, stands out as a place where students are truly supported and challenged in every way.
Kate Rex, a sophomore who is involved in cross country, track, and softball, notes that Watauga has a supportive environment with high participation and enthusiasm, particularly in the track team.
“When I go to a track meet, I see fewer people cheering and less participation [on the other team’s side],” explained Kate Rex. “Our track team has a lot of people and everybody cheers everyone on.”
Whether in the classroom or on the field, students support each other in ways that create a welcoming environment for everyone. This sense of unity is not only evident in school events but also in the relationships built between students and teachers.
“Watauga has a very nice, tight-knit supportive community,” stated Kate Rex. “Everyone knows each other, and we all cheer each other on, no matter what activity or sport we're involved in.”
Another aspect that makes Watauga unique is how students of all types and interests blend into one big combination. In comparison to other high schools, where social cliques can be overwhelming, Watauga allows students to participate individually in such groups and make friends through common interests, rather than on the basis of popularity. As Ben Maggard, history teacher at WHS, describes it, the community at Watauga foster strong relationships among students and teachers.
“Oftentimes you can look out into the Commons and see what I would refer to as a salad bowl of students,” said Maggard. “Students who have common interests and befriend one another. Students who are accepting of all. Our students aren’t focused on popularity and really lean into social acceptance.”
Those connections extend into the classroom, where students support each other and push for success. Watauga High consistently academically ranks among the top schools in North Carolina, thanks to both dedicated students and teachers who build strong, positive relationships.
“Students are also very driven to excel in the classroom and continuously allow WHS to be one of the top-ranked schools in North Carolina academically,” noted Maggard. “Teachers also go above and beyond to build positive relationships with their students.”
Sam Rex, senior, adds that the difference in school size had a profound effect on how the community feels and how people interact with each other. The experience at Watauga is much more intimate, where the size of the school naturally encourages more interaction and closer connections.
“Being the only school in a small town has a big impact on the community aspect. Growing up in Charlotte my school was significantly larger,” said Sam Rex. “The community was much different. I found myself with a small group of friends and didn't even come close to knowing everyone in my school. At Watauga, the dynamic was significantly changed.”
The shift from a larger, more competitive school environment to a smaller, more supportive one at Watauga provided new opportunities for personal growth and success. The transition to Watauga allowed Sam Rex to take on new challenges and seize opportunities that might have previously been out of reach.
“In Charlotte, I didn't make my middle school track team and almost gave up. Upon moving to Watauga I joined the team and have been a Varsity athlete since,” said S. Rex. “I have also been granted opportunities such as Team Captain and President of Sustainability Club. These successes would've been significantly more challenging in my previous community, which demonstrates the opportunities that surrounds Watauga.”