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“GUTS (spilled)” is the deluxe edition of Olivia Rodrigo’s second album, GUTS. “GUTS (spilled)” was released about a month ago and gained massive popularity almost immediately. When “GUTS (spilled)” debuted, fans were all over it. On Spotify alone, the album gained over 26 million streams on the day of its release and became the 2nd most streamed album in the US and the 4th most streamed album globally with over 131 million streams in just a week.
The album highlights Rodrigo’s romantic and social struggles, along with the pressure she experienced growing up to meet the social norm. “GUTS (spilled)” features five songs: “obsessed”, “girl i’ve always been”, “scared of my guitar”, “stranger”, and “so american”.
“obsessed”, the first song featured on the deluxe edition is a fast-paced, thriller of a song. It features a rhythmic baseline combined with rapid drums, something Rodrigo has been experimenting with since her debut album, “SOUR”. The lyrics tell a story about Rodrigo’s obsession with her boyfriend’s ex. She mentions the ex’s positive traits throughout the song and expresses her concern that her boyfriend is cheating on her with his ex. The back and forth in Olivia Rodrigo’s lyrics make for an interesting story, becoming a relatable song for teens struggling with relationships.
Rodrigo’s second song on the album, “girl i’ve always been” uses an aggressive acoustic guitar to set the mood for the song right off the bat. The song, being only two minutes long, is by far the shortest song of the deluxe edition, its fast pace making the fun song seem to fly by. In the song itself, Rodrigo expresses that she is ‘the girl she’s always been’ over and over throughout the song, making a clear point that she hasn’t let society change her into someone she’s not.
The third song of the deluxe edition “scared of my guitar”, is a much slower song compared to the others on the album. It features much softer vocals and a slower instrumental aspect with meaningful lyrics. Rodrigo expresses how she is ‘scared of her guitar’ because it knows her better than anyone else. She sings to it and tells her guitar her true feelings and during the song Rodrigo says, ‘I can’t lie to it the same way I lie to you’ creating the idea that Rodrigo and her guitar are seemingly the same person.
The fourth song on “GUTS (spilled)” is “stranger”, a song that makes it clear that Rodrigo’s lyrics are no joke. The song creates a sense of relatability for listeners when Rodrigo sings the chorus, “You’re just a stranger I know everything about.” The song exposes Rodrigo’s strongest characteristics as a singer with challenging vocals and her lyrical genius.
Last but certainly not least, Rodrigo’s fifth song, “so american” has established itself as my favorite song on the album. Rodrigo can be seen taking a giant leap forward with this song as this is surprisingly her first-ever love song. Again throughout this song, people can see why Rodrigo’s relatable songs have become her secret for being so popular. This song returns to the fast-paced aspect that she is used to, making it obvious that Rodrigo has mastered these types of songs.
Rodrigo and her team create great headbang-worthy music that utilizes all of her team’s instruments and genius minds to create songs that suck listeners in with both rhythm and lyrical genius.
Overall, “GUTS (spilled)” has quickly established itself as one of Olivia Rodrigo’s best productions, and I'm sure fans worldwide can agree with me when I say this is a 10/10 deluxe edition for an album. You can give it a listen now on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, or anywhere else you can jam to some tunes!