Photo Credit: Watauga Yearbook
Mia Platt and Mitch Jasper, contributors to The Spark
William Greene is a junior at Watauga High School and participated for the first time as a Pioneer Playmaker this year.
“I have been doing theatre for about 4 years but I’ve been performing in general since I was 5,” said Greene.
Greene has performed and been a part of the making of several Watauga High School plays over his years of participation including Greene’s favorite, The Music Man.
“It was an amazing show to be in and be a part of,” said Greene in regards to last year’s spring musical.
Greene plans to continue on the theatre journey after high school by continuing to audition for musicals, plays, and shows.
“One of my biggest inspirations for theatre is just the joy of it, I love theatre and will always love theatre,” said Greene. “It’s amazing being able to work with people and be dedicated to something that comes together to bring other people entertainment and joy.”