Delilah Wurth is a multi-faceted artist who dabbles in photography, painting, collage, and creative writing. At Watauga High School, Delilah has taken numerous art classes as well as photography.
“I have been creating art since I was young, I think this is true of most people. But, I started feeling more serious about it when I was in 8th grade,” said Wurth. “I had a lot of things happening in my life and needed a way to process it all. I needed a healthy way to express emotions/thoughts and found a safe space in my camera and my paintbrushes.”

The use of art as an outlet has long benefited Wurth and many other young artists.
“I use art as a hobby and an outlet,” said Wurth. “Like I said before, it gives me a way to express emotions and thoughts, and it is extremely helpful for me to have that.”
Wurth has been involved in many different mediums, but she particularly enjoys 2-D art like painting and photography.
“My favorite piece I have made is a large painting of a pig I dissected. The dissection was for an Anatomy final and I found it to be an artistic picture that I wanted to recreate. It is my favorite because it challenged me and turned out a lot better than I thought it would,” said Wurth.

“I would love to pursue art after school, it is something that brings me a lot of joy and I have been told that I have the talent,” said Wurth. “I do not know if a career in art is where my life will end up, but if it is I would be more than happy about it.”