As summer approaches, students are beginning to look at their future vacations. Some students are entering summer programs and some are going abroad.
This summer, senior Brooke Scheffler will be traveling to Europe to learn more about the Holocaust and spend time with family and friends.
"This summer I really hope to spend as much time with my family and friends as possible before college, but specifically I am stoked to be taking a trip to Europe to learn more about the Holocaust," Scheffler said.
Scheffler has also committed at Furman University to play volleyball and will be visiting the campus to learn more about the program and meet her new teammates.
"I will be heading to Furman early to start preseason volleyball practices and get to know the team which will be different, but exciting!" Scheffler said.
Other students will be continuing their school year throughout this summer with a variety of camps and other learning opportunities. Some students have chosen to attend experiences at other campuses across North Carolina to further their summer learning. The Governor’s School of North Carolina in Raleigh is an opportunity for gifted high school students to expand their academic discipline during the warmer months.
Junior Leila Zwetsloot will be attending Governor's School this summer. She is excited to take unique courses and make memories during her time in Raleigh.
“This summer I am going to go to Governor’s School in Raleigh. Earlier this year, one of my teachers nominated me to go and study social sciences and I had to write a few essays for the application,” she said. “I will find out my roommate really soon, and I am already looking for fun things to do near the campus.”
At Governor’s School, Zwetsloot will have the chance to extend her knowledge.
“I am excited to get to meet a ton of new people and take classes that I couldn’t at the high school. While I am super excited to go to Governor’s school, I am also looking forward to spending time with my friends around Boone,” she said.
This summer, Watauga students will go around the country and world to extend their knowledge and come back renewed for the next school year. From Europe to Governor's school, this summer will be packed with many new and exciting opportunities.