In the wake of the events taking place on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Jan. 6, as citizens of our country, and as journalists intent upon informing and amplifying the voice of our student body, we, The Powderhorn, wish to communicate our goals regarding the coverage of controversial news. As a team and as individual journalists, we choose to acknowledge and seek to include all perspectives, we commit to presenting facts as we cover national news, and we affirm our belief in education and discussion as the building blocks of positive change.
Collectively, the events recently in national news have shocked us, but they have also resolved us. We endeavor to make this defining national event a local issue, writing for the students at Watauga High School in a way which will matter to us all. We understand that as far removed as we may feel from such events, there are those among us who have experienced fear, discomfort and concern as a result of the assault on Capitol Hill. We will seek to channel those thoughts into a place where realities can be safely and necessarily discussed.
Lastly, we wish to express that our hope for this nation is improvement and cooperation. We seek to make The Powderhorn a factor in a prospective future of greater unity, more active citizenship and heightened respect for the rights and opinions of every individual, and we implore our readers to hold us accountable to such standards.