Rolling around like a big rubber ball
Waiting for something to happen
Waiting for someone or something to pick me up
Or kick me down
I wake up watching people around me
Them doing the best they can and succeeding
And wonder why I can’t be just like them
Trying to have the best reaction I can
To these huge curveballs
I drop to the ground
People standing around me are confused
They don't know why I am like this because they’ve never seen it before
They don’t know how to react
And I just sit there for a little while
Feeling numb
Like I can’t do anything
I bounce back up
And everything seems fine
I’m happy
I look at the people who care about me
They aren’t worried anymore
And I wonder why I even dropped in the first place
I continue doing the same things I do everyday
Knowing I’ll just drop again
Play the sport that brings me no joy
But I still do it because I want to make my family happy
Listen to the music that makes me feel my best
Or worst
Trying to control what I can
And I can’t just give up
Because it can never be that easy
I always have to be prepared
I have to have a good reaction to the things that come next
Or else the people around me will think something is wrong
I just have to bounce back up
Doing it all again
I try to have a positive mindset
That this is temporary
I will have to bounce back up eventually
How I react and if I do or say anything, what I do or say
It all sets me up
For how I’m going to turn out
So I try my best to stay positive
And constantly remind myself that it’s all going to be okay
But also know that it’s perfectly fine to go back down
Just not to stay down