Guinea pigs Artemis, Iris, and Aphrodite are animal celebrities in Ms. Patterson's science lab.
Around 79% of classrooms in the United States have a designated class pet. At Watauga High School, science teacher Alana Patterson has 3 guinea pigs in her room. These cute little critters bring joy to the classroom, but does having a class pet teach the students more about science?
¨I believe that having a classroom pet of any kind is a great reminder to students that science is everywhere and can present itself in many different shapes and sizes,” said Patterson.
Having a pet in a classroom or anywhere for that matter comes with many pros and cons. It builds personal traits and lessons.
¨They teach responsibility,¨ said Patterson, ¨and add a fun dynamic to the classroom.¨
Having an animal in the classroom is fun and exciting for students. It creates a positive and calming environment. Every pet has to have a name that fits their personality.
¨They are all named after Greek goddesses,¨ said Patterson. ¨The tricolored guinea pig is named Artemis, the white a browned colored one with a little more brown on her left eye is Iris, and the other is Aphrodite.¨
Every animal has its own small but noticeable personality. Sometimes, students guess what their favorite song, food, and even dream vacation is.
¨(Artemis) Her favorite song is definitely Survivor by Destiny's Child,¨ said Patterson. ¨(Iris) Her favorite food is specifically the green bell peppers, and (Aphrodite) her dream vacation would be a cruise to Hawaii.¨