Fashion at Watauga High School is wide-ranged and everyone has different styles and opinions. Many students here are really interested in fashion, and we can learn a lot about a person from the way they dress and how comfortable they are wearing certain items and colors. What is “in style” has changed so much over the years and it is interesting to see the different looks throughout the years and what is still in, what is out, and what is coming back.
Sophomore Olivia Flores is a fashion stand-out because of her well thought out outfits and how comfortable she is wearing brighter colors because a lot of people don’t anymore.
“I pick a specific piece that I want to wear and I style the rest of the outfit around it,” Flores said that her favorite color to wear is pink. She described her style as “Colorful and kind of all over the place and kind of out there”.
The way trends go in and out is really interesting
“One fashion trend that I don’t want to come back is like the skinny jeans that were really high waisted,” said Flores.
A few years ago everyone would wear skinny jeans and now it's the opposite. More loose fitting pants are in style.
“My favorite trend has been low-waisted pants because I just like the way they look,” said Flores
In stores now it is harder to find lower waisted pants because for the past few years high waisted is what everyone wanted but stores have to continue to keep up with new trends and forecast what will be the next big thing in the future so that they are prepared. This is an interesting process because they already know what we will be wearing this time next year.
Everyone has their own styles and what they love and hate in fashion, but hopefully we can all take inspiration of each other and get out of our comfort zones a little more, explore the wonderful world of fashion and new ways to express ourselves through our outfits.