Faith Watson’s first ETSU Olympic Weightlifting Competition on April 15.
Watauga High School graduates are constantly heading to excellent universities to chase their academic and athletic pursuits. The graduating class of 2023 has already committed to play sports in college including volleyball, football, basketball, baseball, and track & field. However, one student is pursuing a college sport not many Watauga Students may be familiar with: Olympic Weightlifting.
Faith Watson will be heading to Eastern Tennessee State University (ETSU) in the fall of 2023 on scholarship for the weightlifting team. She signed a commitment to the team and University on April 28.
“Olympic lifting is a combination of two lifts,” said Watson. “It’s a clean-and-jerk and a snatch. I had never done it before, and so I started it about eight weeks ago and competed in tryouts.”
Watson then had her first competition at ETSU, which led her to fully commit to the university. Watson demonstrated tremendous adaptability by learning the sport of olympic lifting and immediately getting involved in the world of competition. Thankfully, she was prepared by her athletic background.
Before being introduced to the sport of Olympic Lifting, Watson was already experienced in traditional lifting.
“The weightlifting basics of squat, bench, power cleans, incline,” which Watson humbly described as “nothing crazy,” made up her skillset, which transferred well to the olympic sport.
“I’ve been in weight-training for three years,” Watson said. “I’ve been in two men’s weight-lifting classes.”
Watson’s first ever competition was April 15, which she was inspired to participate in after seeing one of her brother’s meets at East Carolina University.
“I was looking at it and I was like, ‘wow! If I can do power-cleans, maybe I can start doing that too,’” Watson said.
When Watson saw the girls competing, she knew she could be successful judging by her current numbers in squats and power-cleans. Watson’s PRs are currently 325 lbs in the squat and 165 lbs in the power clean.
“My brother was saying maybe I should try it, based on the strength I have,” she recounted.
When she competed on April 15, she was intimidated at first, lifting on a platform in front of an audience. However, her history as a Watauga athlete prepared her to perform under pressure.
Watson stated her goals for her time at ETSU. Because of her time on the medical track at Watauga, she’ll be entering ETSU’s nursing program as a Junior, meaning she can achieve her Master’s Degree in just 5 years. Athletically, her goal is to qualify for Nationals in lifting.
Watson’s family, coaches, and friends supported her at her signing ceremony, and couldn’t be prouder. She’s an academic and athletic force, and Watauga can’t wait to see where she goes.