Students work in the autotech program shop during third block.
Watauga High School has many different classes to offer for many different careers. One of the programs offered is the Autotech Program. In this class, students can learn basic needs for a vehicle and learn how to service their own vehicle. Within the class, students work together to achieve goals even with their own strengths and weaknesses.
“We offer two sides, a high school side and a college side,” said Erik Mortensen, Autotech Teacher at Watauga High School. “You’re going to learn the basics of auto maintenance and the beginnings of auto repairs.”
Mr. Mortenson describes the main goal of the class in simple terms.
“The exploring,” said Mortensen, “The kids get out there and get to tear stuff apart and see how things work and to watch them just kind of put it all together really is fun to watch.”
Teachers work hard all day and when they get home, they explore their own hobbies.
“I restore cars for fun,” says Mortensen. “During the daytime the kids are the ones messing with the cars. When I go home, that's how I decompress. I play with my own cars a bit.”
Learning more and understanding the automotive industry can be very helpful for the students’ futures.
“I feel like it's a really good life skill to have in general,” said Tanya Richards, an autotech student at Watauga High School.
When it comes to class, students get to discover how they learn best and what type of learner category they fall into.
“Honestly, I think hands-on learning is the best type of learning because you get to move, feel, and touch what you do and what you're working on,” said Jason Watson, also a student in the program.
Autotech students at Watauga High School can bring their own cars in to learn how to work on them and to get maintenance performed that is needed.
“I did change my wiper fluid and did an alignment with Mr. Mortensen on my car in this class,” said Tyler Needham.
Students can also use skills they learned and developed in the class and use it to perform the work by themselves.
“I do have my own car,” said Watson. “Most of the skills I have now from the autotech class I didn't have those exact skills before. Now I know how to properly fix a car.”
Mechanics and other trade careers are often overlooked. These workers put in tons of effort everyday, and most people don't understand the necessity for the knowledge.
“I think that a lot of people in the school probably don't realize how much fun it can be taking these classes,” said Mortensen. “High School is a time to explore and this is a path a lot of people don't think about.”
Autotech is a fun class that many enjoy throughout Watauga High school. The creativity and hard work behind everything the students do is amazing.
¨For any freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, join the autotech program,¨ said Watson. “It's a great class, it's a useful skill, and you can learn a lot from it.”