The Morehead-Cain Scholarship is a merit scholarship that provides full funding for education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as well as additional summer learning experiences. Senior Alexandra Newmark was recently awarded the prestigious scholarship and plans to attend UNC Chapel Hill next fall.
UNC is an esteemed research school, and Newmark is excited to be a part of some of the programs there.
“I loved the opportunities UNC has to offer,” she said. “UNC is a research institution, so I am extremely excited by the opportunity to be involved in research. Additionally, there are a ton of exciting extracurriculars to get involved with.”
Alongside what the university offers, Newmark was also excited to join the line of her family who has graduated from UNC.
“Furthermore, I have several family members that graduated from UNC, including my dad, so I am thrilled to be a part of that legacy and make my own path there,” she said. “Finally, I really loved the campus, and I could picture myself living there for the next four years.”
While she is sure about where she is going, she isn’t sure what she wants to study when she gets there.
“At the moment, I am planning on studying physics and astronomy,” Newmark said. “However, I have a lot of interests, so that may change.”
As the Morehead-Cain Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship, Newmark had to be an exceptional student. Ms. Sarah Miller, a theater teacher here at WHS, was happy to sing praises about Newmark. When asked to describe her in three words, Miller says Newmark is, “generous, organized, and fabulously silly!”
“I've been lucky to work with and for Alex throughout her four years at WHS,” Miller said. “In addition to her wicked smartness, I want to celebrate how generous she is with her time, her technical theater knowledge, and her overall organizational prowess. Alex is extraordinarily busy but handles her schedule with a keen sense of 'what comes next' as well as a clear idea of how to prioritize all that she has to do. As a person who loves a good giggle, I adore Alex's sense of humor. She's a delightfully quick-speaking wordsmith whose positive energy and enthusiasm influences all around her!”
Ms. Miller has taught Newmark in half a dozen classes over the past four years. She wants to highlight how Newmark was always a joy to have in class.
“Astutely aware of both her needs and the needs of others, she is 150% all in,” Miller said. “In every way, Alex is a rockstar! UNC-CH is LUCKY to be smart enough to bring her to their campus as a Morehead-Cain scholar!”
Ms. Jamie Wilson taught Newmark in A.P. U.S. History last year. She says that Newmark has always been driven and gifted.
“Alex has a lot of different interests and she gives her best effort in everything,” Ms. Wilson said. “Alex's passion for learning and for performing at the highest level possible means that she is always making the most of every moment. She has a lot of natural talents and abilities, but she has worked to maximize her potential in every area that interests her.”
Newmark had a lot of help throughout the application process, and it couldn’t have been done without the support of the people around her.
“I want to thank all of the teachers who supported and aided me throughout this process,” Newmark said. “I am so grateful for all they have done, and I could not have done it without their unwavering help. I also want to thank my friends for all of their help. I could not have done this without them. I'd also like to shout out the WHS Playmakers and the Theatre Department: thank you for always making my day better and for all the love you have shown me throughout all of this.”