The New Watauga Blue volleyball team. Photo Cred: Kim Pryor
In an exciting development, the JV Volleyball program has recently introduced a brand new team known as "Watauga Blue." Recognizing the abundance of exceptional players striving for a spot on the roster, Coach Kim Pryor announced the formation of not one, but two junior varsity teams for the upcoming season.
A new team thrown in the mix is definitely stirring up change within the volleyball program. Double the teams means double the players. Coach Pryor discussed the main reason behind her decision for the split teams.
“Volleyball has grown so much in the past few years and we have had more and more girls try out each year,” Pryor said. “It has been our goal as a coaching staff to provide additional opportunities for girls to grow and develop within the Watauga Volleyball program.”
Both the JV A (the “original” jv team) and Watauga Blue teams will benefit greatly from the program modification. Jillian Martin, a freshman, discussed the advantages of being a member of the Watauga Blue team.
"I like it because it gives me more opportunities to grow and get more playing time," said Martin.
Coach Pryor has similar ideas about the sorts of opportunities that this new team will create.
"If we combined Watauga Blue with JV, we would have so many girls that many would not get playing time during games," Pryor explained. "Having two JV teams allows more girls the chance to be on the court.”
According to Pryor, the volleyball program will aim to keep a third team in the future, but it will depend on how many participants try out next year.
When it comes to differences between the two JVs, there aren't many. Kasey Gragg, a senior and a Varsity player, noted that "the JV team is older and a little more experienced, whereas Watauga Blue consists of somewhat newer talent."
Despite this minor difference, Coach Pryor says that the skill levels are still similar.
"We all train the same way, running the same drills and combining for skill work,” said Pryor. “Every one of our coaches works with each group.”
Pryor ended with her foresight on the upcoming season.
“We have seen a tremendous amount of growth on all of our teams this season and are excited about the future of our program!” said Pryor.